Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Marsha's Musings

It's been a busy day but fun. My Mom came to take Caleb birthday shopping, and Titus and I met them for lunch. Then Titus and I went to Kohl's. I had a $15 off coupon plus 20% off. I found a couple things for myself and a suit for Titus with a gift card I had for him.

This week I'm thankful for...

~ time with my husband eating and talking. It seems time goes so fast, and the days are over before we know it. I've been glad for the moments we've had to talk and be together. Our schedule sure has changed in the last three months!  We are getting used to it though, and I'm thankful for our marriage and our bond.

~ my big boy making supper for us. He made biscuit pizza bake and corn on the cob. He made Daddy some banana pudding for dessert too. He cleaned up too.

~ our baby boy trying to move around. Really?  We thought he was doing this on accident, but as we watch him we can see him using his legs to push himself across his blanket on the floor.

~ our enjoyable relaxing time away last week. I hope we can return to the little cabin, it was so peaceful.

~ buying school supplies. I love shopping for school supplies and have a stash in a box in our office that I keep stocked of things we use often. I love buying extras to donate too when they are on sale this time of year.

~ all the people at our church who love on our baby boy. He went to his cradle roll Sunday morning class a couple of weeks ago for the first time, and those ladies were so sweet and loving to him. I know he will love it and learn so much from them. Everyone at the church just loves him!

Have a day of blessings!


Denise said...

enjoyed your thankful list.

Kim said...

I love your list of blessings! It changes our hearts when we focus on what we can be grateful for. Found you on Thankful Thursday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How sweet that Caleb made dinner for you guys. Sounds like he is going to be a caring father, like son!

Marsha said...

I saw the video of Titus trying his best to scoot around! He's simply adorable. You are such a blessing with the way you love to give. I'm thankful for you.